CPET – Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test

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Month: November 2023

Why Graded Exercise Therapy (GET) is Not the Answer for ME/CFS and Long COVID

Why Graded Exercise Therapy (GET) is Not the Answer for ME/CFS and Long COVID

Exercise is essential in preventing, treating, and rehabilitating many diseases. Research has repeatedly shown that physical activity improves quality of life and lifespan. It’s no wonder why most doctors encourage patients to do more. But is exercise good for everyone?  While the health benefits are indisputable, there are some diseases for which exercise – as […]

Workwell Teams up with STAT Health

Workwell Teams up with STAT Health

Workwell Foundation recently teamed up with Daniel Lee, the co-founder and CEO of STAT Health, to test an exciting new in-ear wearable device that tracks blood flow to the head.  Many people with ME/CFS and long COVID report worsening orthostatic symptoms (i.e., when upright) during post-exertional malaise (PEM) crashes. Workwell and STAT Health hope to […]